
Exploration of the domestic organizational environment

Question: Course Project Scenario

Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company

Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company (SEIIC) is one of America's oldest insurance companies specializing in equipment inspection and insurance for companies in the manufacturing, transportation, and energy sectors. Founded in 1873 and named for the first steam-powered ship to cross the Atlantic, SEIIC has grown to become a global leader in the application of engineering principles to safety and risk management. With more than 4,500 employees in 14 principal offices and 55 field locations around the world, SEIIC stands ready to meet industry needs on any continent.

More than 50% of the SEIIC employees have an engineering or technical background. Accordingly, college recruiting and training are major features of the HR program. Although SEIIC has been known as a great place to work, turnover/retention issues need constant attention in the highly competitive labor market for technical personnel. In the past, the organization was also known for outstanding customer service and for building long-term relationships with its many business partners. However, this image has slipped in recent years as the organization and market have undergone significant change and SEIIC has struggled to respond in effective ways. As a result, SEIIC has decided to undertake a complete updating of its human resources management practices.

• Week 1: Exploration of the domestic organizational environment including economic, legal, cultural, global, and technological trends.

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Dissertation: Exploration of the domestic organizational environment
Reference No:- TGS02811816

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