Exploration of sources of evidence

Assignment task: Exploration of Sources of Evidence

Read a selection of your colleagues' responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues by supporting or expanding on their exploration of sources. Do you see any evidence they might be missing? Explain additional perspectives on the issue or exploration of sources described by your colleague.

PEER # 1

Heather Rowell

Week 5 Discussion-Initial Post


When identifying a practice problem within an organization, it is essential that decision making involves evaluation which is based on collecting, analyzing, organizing, and critically reviewing evidence to make a judgement or decision about value (Hickey, J. V., & Giardino, E. R. (Eds.). (2021). Obtaining research to prepare for use in assisting in the resolution of the practice problem is vital for success with the changes needed for promotion of positive outcomes. There are several sources out there that can be used for research, not only databases can be used but other sources such as personal interviews, other organizational resources, and other databases that are not directly related to a library.

Sources of Evidence:

As a DNP student, developing information literacy skills requires knowledge of the nursing literature as well as developing an aptitude for locating and retrieving it (Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Although, it is not always necessary, according to an article in the Journal of Medical Library Association (2020), a librarian was added to the EBP team in which this provided an opportunity to initiate a quality improvement analysis, improve work flow, and cross-train staff on literature searching and article selection skills.

Based on the practice problem I identified, my initial research was conducted by conducting in person interviews with staff to gain a better insight into the gap in practice. I also tried to look outside the organization and gain additional information from other organizations such as my organization in which I work currently to see if there was an issue with the same problem. By doing this, I was able to determine that it is not only an issue for the organization that I am doing my practicum at, but it is also an issue with other organizations. This was very interesting to me and made me feel that the issue needs addressed. Due to the increase in depression amongst society, I feel that it is so vital that depression screening be conducted in the appropriate manner as well as be addressed timely to ensure that the patients are treated as soon as they are identified at risk for depression as there can be complications if not treated. My second research was conducted by using the Walden library databases to find articles relevant to depression screening and initiation of treatment in a timely manner. I also researched the use of the EMR system and appropriate documentation for the patients at risk for depression.

Impact of Not Including Sources:

As a DNP student, performing thorough research is the basis for evaluation of an identified practice problem and being able to conduct a search from multiple sources to have sufficient amount of information that can be used for resolution of the problem and have a strong background for use of evidenced-based practice. I have found that in the past, just using a library search of articles is helpful, however, not including other sources such as personal interviews and learning the processes of other organizations, made an impact on understanding the bigger picture which can lead to insufficient evidence and poorer outcomes.


Throughout the DNP program so far and through this practicum, I have learned so much already in regards to the use of research and other tools to help with identifying practice problems within organizations and best ways to conduct literature reviews to assist in the resolution of the issues identified. As DNP students, it is vital that we think more at a doctoral level and be able to use the knowledge and skills through additional education for the promotion of positive outcomes in any organization. As we are all aware, there are so many practice problems that have been identified and need addressed for all the individuals involved including all stakeholders. Through my experience, I do feel that research is essential for the basis of providing evidenced-based practice to ensure that quality care is being delivered to make changes for the betterment of society.


Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.

Chapter 5, "Searching for Evidence" (pp. 99-120)

Hickey, J. V., & Giardino, E. R. (Eds.). (2021). Evaluation of quality in health care for DNPs (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.

Chapter 2, "The Nature of Evidence as a Basis for Evaluation" (pp. 37-64)

Chapter 3, "Models for Evaluation in Advanced Nursing Practice" (pp. 65-92)

Jones, E. P., Brennan, E. A., & Davis, A. (2020). Evaluation of literature searching and article selection skills of an evidence-based practice team


Rochelle George

Hello professor and peers,

A diverse approach is necessary when investigating sources of evidence for burnout prevention in high-intensity environments (Fradelos et al., 2021). I made use of popular resources like ProQuest, the Cochrane Library, PubMed, and CINAHL (Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) to search for evidence-based research to support my practice problem, burnout, and then created relevant search words.

I considered various types of evidence, including formal and informal interviews, national organizations, and library sources beyond nursing literature. A formal interview will be conducted with healthcare professionals who can provide direct insights into the causes and potential solutions for burnout. Informal discussions with peers can uncover useful, real-world tactics that aren't often recorded in official studies (Gillespie & Melby, 2023). National Organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), can provide guidelines and resources specifically aimed at reducing nurse burnout. Internal organizations, such as employee assistance programs (EAPs), can offer counseling and support services that can help mitigate burnout. External resources may include organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA), provide resources and research on occupational health. Sociology journals can be utilized as an outside nursing source, which has studies on work-life balance, social support, and organizational culture can offer additional insights. It is possible for a suggested practice adjustment to have serious problems if diverse sources of evidence are not included. If nursing literature is all that is read, it can miss important insights from the fields of psychology, business, and sociology, which could result in insufficient strategies and a narrow understanding. Ignoring unofficial interviews or patient input can lead to a narrow perspective and a one-sided viewpoint that doesn't adequately address the issue (Noben et al., 2020).

In general, I will be able to understand more about the problem and how it impacts the healthcare system overall by examining information from various sources. I'll be better equipped to create a practice change proposal and give the data I need to back it up thanks to this. Furthermore, I will be able to comprehend the larger context and the ramifications of the suggested practice change better by investigating various evidence sources. This will enable me to more accurately assess the potential advantages and disadvantages of the suggested practice change, enabling me to determine if it is best for the healthcare system.


Fradelos E., Mpelegrinos S., Mparo C., Vassilopoulou C., Argyrou P., Tsironi M., Zyga S., Theofilou P. (2021). Burnout syndrome impacts quality life nursing professionals. Progress in Health Sciences, 4(1),102-109.

Gillespie, M, & Melby, V. (2023). Burnout among nursing staff in accident and emergency and acute medicine: a comparative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 12, 842 851.

Noben, C., Evers, S., Nieuwenhuijsen, K., Ketelaar, S., Gartner, F., Sluiter, J., & Smit, F. (2020). Protecting and Promoting Mental Health of Nurses in the Hospital Setting: is it Cost Effective from an Employer's Perspective? International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 28(5), 891 900.

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