
Exploration of a specialist topic on a contemporary theme


The purpose of a practitioner paper is to show the results of your exploration of a specialist topic on a contemporary theme in eBusiness. The main job of the practitioner paper is to explain why and how your topic will evolve over the next 5-15years. Five activities are involved in writing a practitioner paper:

· Choice of a topic

· Independent research (meaning a literature survey) by you

· Critical analysis of a practice or a theoretic model (and its application)

· Writing a report about the above

· Preparing and presenting a brief talk to the group

A practitioner paper provides anecdotal descriptions of situations, problem solving
approaches, and lessons learned from real-world projects. It discusses the benefits anddrawbacks of approaches used in actual practice.

Papers may focus on a particular aspectof technology usage in practice, or describe broad project experiences. The paper shouldnot be more than 6 pages in length.


You will need to prepare a presentation to the seminar group to be delivered .Your presentation must last for no longer than 5 minutes. You might wonder if this isenough time to adequately present your work. Let me assure you that it is. Making yourwork fit within this time limit is a very useful skill in itself. Quality is important, not quantity.Here is some advice:

· Have three sections of your talk: What the topic is about, why this topic will be importantin the 5-15 year timeframe, and how it will evolve.

· You may use a data projector to show a Powerpoint (or equivalent) presentation, but youshould limit the number of slides. So if you think you will take one minute on average toexplain a slide, then you should have no more than 5 slides. Again, quality is important,not quantity.

· Practice your talk so you are confident it will fit within the time limit.

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Business Management: Exploration of a specialist topic on a contemporary theme
Reference No:- TGS01787458

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