
Explicit runge-kutta method


Write a general purpose RK routine; here described in a matlab context (but feel free to re-interpret into and program in any language environment)

[t_out,y_out,e_out] = rk ( ode_RHS, y_0, t_range, c, A, b1, b2 )

input parameters:
ode_RHS= function handle to right side f of the ODE y'=f(t,y)
y_0= initial value for ODE
t_range=the vector T_start:h:T_stop where h is the step size
c= the vector c in the butcher array that specifies the RK method
A= the matrix A in the butcher array that specifies the RK method
b1= vector in the butcher array that specifies primary RK method
b2= vector in the butcher array that specifies secondary RK method

output parameters:
t_out= the times where the solution was computed
y_out=the solution computed at the times t_out
e_out= the step-error estimated at the times t_out. Computed only when b2 is supplied.

Where is the step size h? You probably want to use something like h_current_step=t_range(k) - t_range(k-1) so that your code does not break if/when user passes in a non-uniform t_range
e.g.t_range = [0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.46 0.47 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.99 0.999 0.9999 1].

Provide complete and step by step solution for the question and show calculations and use formulas.

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Mathematics: Explicit runge-kutta method
Reference No:- TGS01914622

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