
Explanatory threads is not a problem for college campuses

Assignment task:

After reading chapters 6-11 in The Coddling of the American Mind, respond to one of the following prompts for your second essay assignment. 

Argue for the importance of one explanatory thread over the other 5. In doing this, you need to show that you understand the thread you are arguing "for," and you need to specifically explain how your thread is more important than 2-3 other threads (please don't try to address each thread because you don't have the time to do so thoroughly).  Additionally, you need to utilize the Moorpark College Library Databases (EBSCO Academic Search Complete, specifically) to find 3-4 sources to support and "thicken" your argument.  One of your sources (it can be CAM) must address the opposition of your position, and then you must work to refute that position.  Similar to your first essay, you need to use outside, academic sources to prove your points AND draw from your own experiences to help flesh out your own opinions.

Argue that one of the authors' explanatory threads is not a "problem" for college campuses. In doing this, you should show you understand the explanatory thread in question and provide counter evidence in order to prove that the authors' perception of this thread is incorrect.  Furthermore, you need to address 2-3 other threads the authors address and explain that those threads could be problematic; this section of your essay should be no more than 2 pages and shouldn't overshadow your larger argument regarding your disagreement with Lukianoff and Haidt.  Additionally, you need to utilize the Moorpark College Library Databases (EBSCO Academic Search Complete, specifically) to find 3-4 sources to support and "thicken" your argument. One of your sources (it can be CAM) must address the opposition of your position, and then you must work to refute that position. Similar to your first essay, you need to use outside, academic sources to prove your points AND draw from your own experiences to help flesh out your own opinions.


You must use The Coddling of the American Mind and 3-4 other sources from the Moorpark College Library Databases (specifically EBSCO Academic Search Complete).  Also, draw on your personal experience to make your larger point.


Length: essay

Outside sources: 4-5 sources total (including The Coddling of the American Mind and 3-4 sources from the library databases)

Citations: Include MLA style in-text citations and a MLA style Works Cited page (please watch the video on in-text citations and Works Cited pages)

Format: MLA

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Other Subject: Explanatory threads is not a problem for college campuses
Reference No:- TGS03402473

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