
Explanation of three challenges facing prisons today and


Jails and prisons are familiar concepts, even to children. In addition to make-believe games, commercial games include directives to "go to jail" and passes that allow you to "get out of jail free." But what about other concepts related to corrections? What exactly is probation, for example? And what is parole? What do the two have in common, and what are the pluses and minuses associated with each? How do they compare with intermediate sanctions?

Learning Resources

Please read and view (where applicable) the following Learning Resources before you complete this week's assignments.


Course Text: Schmalleger, F. (2016). Criminal justice: A brief introduction (11th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education Inc

Chapter 10, "Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections"

Chapter 11, "Prisons and Jails"

Chapter 12, "Prison Life"

Optional Resources


U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics: Corrections Statistics


Prisons: Challenges and Issues

Criminals are incarcerated because they have been judged guilty of a crime that the system has deemed serious enough to warrant the removal of the guilty party from society. While the potential physical dangers of violent prisoners are obvious concerns, the risks and challenges that the corrections branch of the criminal justice system faces vary. Social issues and systemic issues on a broader scale impact prison microcosms. While preparing for this week, think about how each issue could impact the corrections system as a whole.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, paying particular attention to challenges and issues related to prisons and jails.

Select at least three challenges and/or issues to use for this Discussion. Think about how they might play out in and impact the future of prisons. Do not include challenges and issues related to diversity or ethics, as you will address those in the Application Assignment.

With these thoughts in mind:

Explanation of three challenges facing prisons today and how they might impact prisons in the future. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points. Finally, post your thoughts on whether prisons should be privately-run or state-run institutions and why. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.

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Dissertation: Explanation of three challenges facing prisons today and
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