
Explanation of the role of storytelling in effective

The Role of Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful instrument for human connection. Simmons (2006) labeled stories as holograms of truth. Learning how to tell good stories will help us burrow below the surface, help us speak in new ways that may communicate with the unconscious forces, and enable us to become more effective leaders. Kim and Mauborgne (2014, p. 63) argued that leaders must seek new ways to release talent and energy in today's organizational landscape. Redefining one's leadership story is one way to harness new energy in an effort to seek sustainable employee engagement.

Week 2 explores one effective but often uncategorized use of power-story. How do we maximize our leadership message through telling a story so that it impacts in beneficial and sustainable ways?

To Prepare

• Review the Learning Resources.

• Consider the role of storytelling in leadership.

• Consider the leadership skills needed in the Information Age.

Explanation of the role of storytelling in effective leadership. Explain what leadership skills, including storytelling, are necessary in the Information Age compared to the Industrial Age. Describe the possible impacts of storytelling on individuals and organizational teams.
Note: Support your postings with specific reference to all resources used in its preparation. Use correct APA formatting for all resources.

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HR Management: Explanation of the role of storytelling in effective
Reference No:- TGS01179925

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