
Explanation of idea that entrepreneur was involved

Assignment task: I would like you to research your favorite entrepreneur to write up summaries based on the listed questions.

Fyi Iam from Oakland California, just in case you need this information.

Question List:

A city and state this entrepreneur was born or country came from if outside the US

A brief explanation of the idea/business that this entrepreneur was involved with

At what age or years of experience, does this entrepreneur start his / her business

A brief explanation of key characters, skills, motivations, aptitudes, and contributions that led to the success

What impact (creating jobs, charities, leadership, etc.) has this entrepreneur had on his/her local community?

What benefit/change did you or your family receive through the innovation or success this entrepreneur brought to society?

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Other Management: Explanation of idea that entrepreneur was involved
Reference No:- TGS03416816

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