
Explanation as to why excessive greenhouse gases


This assignment is about the United nations (UN) and Australian Policy of climate change. you do not need other sources to write the assignment. please, just you

Use sources or link that provide. I provide 2 files, one is questions and instructions and another one is Criticism EU-ETS that help the assignment. thank you.

The Australian Economy:


Compare the European Union’s choice of an Emissions Trading Scheme with the Abbott Government’s proposal of a Direct Action climate change policy to meet their UN greenhouse gas emissions abatement targets. Conclude which is the better policy mechanism to deliver the required greenhouse gas emission targets.

Ensure that in your discussion you :

• Discuss the economic explanation as to why excessive greenhouse gases have and are being emitted by production
• Briefly explain how the European Union’s “cap and trade” emissions trading system works
• Briefly explain how the Abbott Government’s Direct Action policy is proposed to work
• Evaluate the two different policy mechanisms according to the appropriate criteria
• Conclude which is the better policy mechanism to deliver the required greenhouse gas emission targets.

LENGTH: Approx. 1,500 words

Please use the following resources in your assignment (You don’t need other resources):

1. https://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/tony-abbotts-climate-change-policy-problematic-20140110-30mfi.html

this is a brief explanation of Abbott’s policies, with some discussion

2. https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/index_en.htm

this is a brief explanation of the EU ETS

3. https://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-opinion/economists-remain-convinced-carbon-tax-or-ets-is-the-way-forward-20131027-2w9rv.html

this talks about economists believing an ETS is preferable to direct action

4.  https://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/tony-abbotts-new-direct-action-sceptics-20131027-2w9va.html

more information as above

5.  Please also see the file “Criticisms EU ETS poster.pdf”  with the assignment on attachment which discusses some problems with the EU ETS.

Students are not expected to research widely outside of the resources listed above. If you do include information from other sources, it must be referenced: Please do not include more than two additional references as they will be checked.

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Science: Explanation as to why excessive greenhouse gases
Reference No:- TGS01438056

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