Question 1
Hazard identification and risk assessment
Prepare a response that explains the role of hazard identification and risk assessment in emergency preparedness and planning. Include reference citations formatted using APA Style.
Question 2
Think about challenges to maintaining a realistic understanding of risk and implementing hazard mitigation and infrastructure protection in a community or organization. Prepare a short essay (approximately 250 words) describing one challenge and potential means to address the challenge.
Question 3
Review at least one of the sample hazard mitigation plans provided. Review especially the risk assessment and mitigation strategies sections. Summarize the hazards addressed and the types of mitigation projects that are included in the plan. Also address the role of DMA2K in local and state hazard mitigation planning.
Question 4
Prepare a post in your own words that explains why hazard mitigation plans are often considered the most technical types of plans in emergency management. Include at least one example of technical or scientific content. Include reference citations formatted using APA Style.
2016 Emergency Management Standard
NIPP 2013Partnering for Critical InfrastructureSecurity and Resilience
Local MitigationPlanning Handbook