
Explains both the history of and the present state of the

By this point, you should have enough information to construct a reasonable first draft of Chapter 1 of your dissertation proposal. In this assignment, you will draft Chapter 1 of your dissertation proposal.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

• Download the most current version of the Dissertation Proposal Template from the DC Network.

• Refer to your research prospectus and the related feedback form your Chair and Methodologist.

• This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

• Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

• You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Locate and download the most current version of the Dissertation Proposal Template.

Compile all of the revisions, notes, and feedback you have to date from your research prospectus and use them to formulate a first draft of

Chapter 1 of the research proposal.

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION This section provides a brief overview of the research focus or problem, explains why this study is worth conducting, and discusses how this study will be completed. (Minimum 3-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)
Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The background section explains both the history of and the present state of the problem and research focus. It identifies the gap or need based on a summary of the current literature and discusses how the study will address that gap or need. (Minimum 2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: PROBLEM STATEMENT This section includes the problem statement, the population affected, and how the study will contribute to solving the problem. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. (Minimum 3-4 par

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose statement section expands on the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. (Minimum 2-3 paragraphs)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND/OR HYPOTHESES This section narrows the focus of the study by specifying the research questions to address the problem statement. Based on the research questions, it describes the variables and/or groups and their hypothesized relationship (quantitative study) or the phenomena under investigation (qualitative study).

It describes how the research questions are related to the problem statement and how the research questions will facilitate collection of the data needed to answer the research questions. (Minimum 2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: ADVANCING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE This section specifically describes how the research will advance the body of knowledge on the topic. The study can yield a small step forward in a line of current research, but it must add to the current body of knowledge in the literature in the learner's program of study. It identifies the gap or need based on the current literature and discusses how the study will address that gap or need.

This section also identifies the theory(ies) or model(s) that provide the theoretical foundation for the study and how the study will contribute to the research on the theory(ies) or model(s). This section summarizes part of the Background (focused on identifying the gap or need from the literature) and Theoretical Foundations sections (expanded in Chapter 2). (Minimum 2-3 paragraphs)
Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This section identifies and describes the significance of the study and the implications of the potential results based on the research questions, the problem statement, and the hypotheses or the investigated phenomena. It describes how the research fits within and will contribute to the current literature or body of research. It describes potential practical applications from the research. (Minimum 3-4 paragraphs)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: RATIONALE FOR METHODOLOGY This section clearly justifies the methodology the researcher plans to use for conducting the study. It argues why the methodological framework is the best approach to answer the research questions and how it will address the problem statement. It uses citations from textbooks and articles on research methodology and/or articles on related studies to justify the methodology. (Minimum 2-3 paragraphs)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: NATURE OF THE RESEARCH DESIGN FOR THE STUDY This section describes the specific research design to answer the research questions and affirms why this approach was selected. It describes the research sample being studied as well as the process that will be used to collect the data on the sample. It identifies the instruments or sources of data needed to answer the research

questions. It provides citations from seminal sources such as research textbooks, research articles, and articles on similar studies. (Minimum 3-4 graphs or approximately 1 page)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: DEFINITIONS OF TERMS This section defines the study constructs and provides a common understanding of the technical terms, exclusive jargon, variables, phenomena, concepts, and sundry terminology used within the scope of the study. Terms are defined in lay language and in the context in which they are used within the study. (Each definition may be a few sentences to a paragraph.)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: ASSUMPTIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND DELIMITATIONS This section identifies the assumptions and specifies the limitations, as well as the delimitations, of the study. (Minimum 3-4 paragraphs)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Chapter 1: ORGANIZATION OF THE REMAINDER OF THE STUDY This section summarizes the key points of Chapter 1 and provides supporting citations for those key points. It then provides a transition discussion to Chapter 2 followed by a description of the remaining chapters. (Minimum 1-2 pages)

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

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Dissertation: Explains both the history of and the present state of the
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