
Explaining why and how this article is relevant to your

Question: Marketing Current Events Discussion

The Discussion topic for this current events discussion focuses on developing strong brands. Select one article that applies to developing strong brands. Compose a short summary (300-500 words) explaining why and how this article is relevant to your unit''s materials. Keep in mind, when responding to each unit''s Article Review Discussion your opinion is highly valued; however, the ability to integrate concepts and theories to support your ideas is also critical. This is true, not just in this class but during your business career.

Knowing what to do and how to do it is a valued skill in business, but knowing what to do and how to do it in every situation is the key to success. It is always important to apply theory to support your opinions! The better able you are to apply BOTH logic and theory - the better able you are to transfer your learning into practical application regardless of the task, project, or job.

Important: Apply concepts or theories from your textbook Reading to your review in the Article Review Discussion Assignments. Include a relevant quote from Chapter 10: "Crafting the Brand Positioning" or Chapter 11: "Creating Brand Equity," of your Kotler and Keller Marketing Management textbook within your response. Include the Kotler and Keller reference at the end of your posting along with the reference for your selected article.

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Marketing Management: Explaining why and how this article is relevant to your
Reference No:- TGS02576678

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