
Explaining vectored and non vectored interrupts

1) What is the requirement for ALE signal in 8085 microprocessor?

2) How many machine cycles are required to execute STA 1800?

3) What is the requirement for interfacing?

4) Write down the difference between memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O.

5) What do you mean by memory mapping?

6) What are the different addressing modes of 8085

7) What do you mean by Hardware interrupts?

8) What do you mean by Software interrupts,

9) What do you understand by interrupt? Explain it in detail

10) What do you understand by vectored and non vectored interrupts?

11) What is the requirement for timing diagram?

12) Explain in detail the following terms:

i) Instruction cycle

ii) Machine cycle

13) Describe T-state and in which T-cycle the ALE signal is activated?

14) What do you mean by masking and why it is required?

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Electrical Engineering: Explaining vectored and non vectored interrupts
Reference No:- TGS09222

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