Question 1) Define the terms:
i) Bacillariophyta.
ii) Phylogeny of chlorophyceae and charophyceae
iii) General characters of bryophytes.
iv) Life cycles in bryophytes.
v) Fossn pterideophytes.
vi) Heterospory.
vii) ovuliferous seales.
viii) Cones of coniferales.
Question 2) Explain how the algae are used as food, fodder, fertilizer and in pharmaceutical.
Question 3) Explain the structure, reproduction and life cycles inphaeophyecae.
Question 4) Explain the development of sex orgons and process of sexual reproduction inbryophytes.
Question 5) Give the account of classification and evolutionary tendencies of sporophyte in bryophytes.
Question 6) Give the account on the classification of pteridophytes and add a note on fossil members of pteridophytes.
Question 7) Explain the evolution of stele on pteriodephytes.
Question 8) Explain the evolution of male and female gametophytes in living gymnosperms.
Question 9) Give an account on the economic uses of gymnosperms.