Answer all the questions.
Question1) What do you mean by Decentralization and what are merits of Decentralization.
Question2) Explain the constitution and functions of the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Question3) What do you understand by Public- Private Partnership (PPP). Enumerate the types of Public- Private Partnership (PPP) models available.
Question4) What do you mean by Parallel Bodies? What are different categories of Parallel Bodies?
Question5) How Gram Sabha controls resource utilization in its geographical jurisdiction. Is it a true representation of all sections of society?
Question6) Explain population dynamics. Describe the fertility and mortality indicators of population dynamics.
Question7) What is NFHS? Critically describe NFHS-III.
Question8) What are Communicable diseases? Discuss different measures taken by government of India for the control of communicable diseases.
Question9) What is IEC? Explain the role of IEC in health and family welfare.
Question10) Care for elderly is critical to family health. Describe different health problems of elderly.