
Explaining theory of impersonality by eliot

Answer all the questions.

Question 1) In what way did Dryden justify Tragic-Comedy in his “Essay on Dramatic Poesy”?

Question 2) Write down the elements of Drama as enumerated in Bharatmuni’s “Natyashastra”.

Question 3) How does Coleridge distinguish between prose and poetry in Biographia Literaria.

Question 4) According to Eliot, in what ways ‘tradition’ could be acquired?

Question 5) Write a brief note on Eliot’s “Theory of Impersonality”.

Question 6) Write a short note on Bharata’s theory of ‘Rasa’ as explained in “Natyashastra.”

Question 7) Who are the chief speakers and what do they symbolize in Dryden’s ‘An Essay on Dramatic Poesie? Explain in detail.

Question 8) Write down the three phases of growth in the tradition of English female that Elaine howalter discusses in her essay “Towards a Feminist Poetics.”

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English: Explaining theory of impersonality by eliot
Reference No:- TGS04482

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