
Explaining the working of optical pyrometer

Answer the following questions in detail.

Question 1) Why we use Three lead or Four lead - RTD? Describe with help of a suitable diagram and related mathematical equations.

Question 2) What do you mean by Pyrometery? Describe the physical laws on which it is based upon. Explain the working of Optical pyrometer.

Question 3) Drive a mathematical expression and draw the response of voltage across the capacitor in RC circuit when the step input is applied to it. Therefore from this define Time constant.

Question 4) Prove that differential arrangement of capacitive transducers increases linearity, when the distance between the plates is used as mean of change in capacitance.

Question 5) A PZT Crystal having thickness of 2mm and voltage sensitivity of 0.055Vm/N is subjected to a press of 1.5MN/m2. Compute the voltage output if the permittivity of quartz is 40.6 × l0–12 F/m. Also compute charge sensitivity. Write the Principle, related mathematical equations, construction and working of Magnetic flow meter with the help of a neat and well labelled diagram. Also write down its merits and demerits. Compare this flow meter with other flow meters.

Question 6) What do you mean by thermocouple? Describe its construction and working principle. Write down the Principle, related mathematical equations, construction and working of Strain gauge with the help of a suitable diagram. Also write its different types, compensation methods and applications.

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Electrical Engineering: Explaining the working of optical pyrometer
Reference No:- TGS09114

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