
Explaining the use of digoxigenin in rdna technology

Ansswer the following questions:

1) Write down the factors contribute to an efficient ligation reaction?            

2) State the start codon in both formats of the nucleic acid.                

3) Which enzyme might be considered as the in vitro version of RNAP?        

4) Explain the use of digoxigenin in rDNA technology.                    

5) Write down the applications of alkaline phosphatase in rDNA technology.            

6) What vectors are used for the design of RNA probes and how are they unique?        

7) Describe the application of DNA homology experiments to determine the relatedness between two species.                                            

8) Whole human genome is about 3 x 109 bp long. Eco RI cuts on average every 4.1 kb. The exact probability of having any given DNA sequence in the library, P is given by: N = ln(1 -P) / ln(1 - f). f is the fractional proportion of the genome in a single recombinant and N is the necessary number of recombinants. How large a library will you need in order to have a 99% probability of finding a desired sequence represented in a library created by digestion with a 6-cutter?                            

9) Write down the steps involved in Northern Blotting.

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Biology: Explaining the use of digoxigenin in rdna technology
Reference No:- TGS04427

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