
Explaining the state space for water jug problem

1) What do you mean by a “Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Technique”? Briefly describe how A1 Technique can be represented write down some of the task domain of A1.

2) Write down Classical “Water jug Problem”. Explain the state space for this problem. Solve this problem by giving its opera loss sequence.

3) What do you mean by production system? Describe it with suitable example. Describe the Characteristics of a production system.

4) Describe how to define a problem as state space search? Explain it with the help of suitable example.

5) Describe the following problems in detail. What kinds of control strategy is used in the following problem.

I. The lower of Hanoi

II. Cryptarithmetic

III. The Missionaries and cannibals problems

IV. 8-puzzle problem

6) Explain the following search Technique with the help of suitable example. Also describe the benefits and shortcoming of each.

I. Breadth First Search.

II. Depth First Search.

7) Describe the heuristic search. Explain benefits and short comings in detail.

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Computer Engineering: Explaining the state space for water jug problem
Reference No:- TGS011573

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