
Explaining subzero treatment with heat treatment cycle

1)a)Sketch neatly the ideal Iron-Iron carbide phase diagram, showing all the temperature points, composition and phases.

b) Explain the following heat treatment defects.

i) Soft spots

ii) Decarburization

2)a) With heat treatment cycle explain the following thermomechanical treatments.

i) Thermomechanical annealing

ii) Ausforming

b) With heat treatment cycle explain Subzero treatment.

3)a) With heat treatment cycle explain the post carburizing treatment of steel.

b) With heat treatment cycle explain the heat treatment of 18-4-1 HSS.

4)a) Explain the following heat treatment processes

i) Nitriding ii) Induction hardening.

b) Explain the steps associated with the transformation of austenite into pearlite for eutectoid steel.

5)a) Explain

i) Homogenising and

ii) Austempering.

b) Write the significance of hardenability. Also explain the standard test for the hardenability of alloy steel.

6) Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:

i) Valve steel

ii) Ferrite stabilizers

iii) Malleable iron

iv) Copper alloys

v) Martensite

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Other Engineering: Explaining subzero treatment with heat treatment cycle
Reference No:- TGS04465

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