
Explaining spatial partitioning representation methods

1) Describe perspective projection in detail

2) Derive a condition for Ccontinuity in Bezier curve. Explain in detail.

3) Derive a condition for C2 continuity in Hermite curve. Explain in detail.

4) Describe the effects of multiple knots and multiple control points for B-spline curves with essential diagram.

5) Write down different spatial partitioning representation methods. Briefly describe Octree.

6) Describe HSV and YIQ color models.

7) What is the essential purpose of composite transformation? Describe with suitable example.

8) Briefly describe Halftone approximation with its application

9) Explain C0, C1 and C2 continuity. How it differ from G0, G1 and G2 continuity. Cubic Bezier curve segment is explained by the control points P0 (1, 3), P1 (2, 8), P2 (12,9) and P3 (10, b). Another curve segment is explained by Q0 (a, 8), Q1 (9, c), Q2 (15, d) and Q3 (18, 5). Find out the value of a, b, c and d if there are C0, C1 and C2 continuity between two curve segments.

10) Describe CIE chromaticity diagram. Derive a formula to translate CIE chromaticity coordinates to RGB color space.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Explaining spatial partitioning representation methods
Reference No:- TGS010343

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