
Explaining simon model of decision making

1)a) Why a feasibility analysis needs to be carried out a part of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

b) What is the business value driving so many companies to rapidly install and extend intranets throughout their organizations? How does networking find its application in any organization?

c) Define MIS. With a neat sketch, represent the Physical view of MIS.

2)a) Explain various types of systems and Why an MIS professional needs to have knowledge about the same to develop an information system?

b) Illustrate with a neat sketch, the relationship between a “bit” and a “student database” and explain the same.

3)a) What are different types of information systems and how they interrelated to each other?

b) With a neat diagram, explain the concept of Data Mining.

4)a) Information has been identified as fifth important resource for survival and growth prospects of a contemporary organization. Discuss.

b) What are the different methods of physical database design?

5)a) Differentiate between Goals, Objectives and Targets and with a neat sketch, show the relationship between Organizational Behavior and the Management Information System.

b) Explain the classification of Database systems based on geographical distribution.

c) With a neat sketch, explain the Simon Model of Decision Making.

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Software Engineering: Explaining simon model of decision making
Reference No:- TGS04467

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