
Explaining semaphore to solve readers and writers problem

1) Explain in detail the critical section problem and also write down the suitable algorithm for readers-writers problem with semaphore.

2) Describe the differences in degree to which FCFS, RR and Non-pre-emptive SJF scheduling algorithms discriminate in favour of short processes.

3) Describe the concept of process switching in the operating system.

4) Describe how operating system services are provided by system calls.

5) Describe direct and indirect communication between processes in detail with suitable example.

6) Describe any pre-emptive CPU scheduling algorithms.

7) Describe any two classical problems of synchronization in detail.

8) Describe the approaches used for preventing deadlock.

9) Describe tree structured and acyclic graph directories.

10) Describe the linked and indexed methods for allocating disk space to files.

11) Describe the execution of remote procedure calls.

12) Describe the methods for designing an operating system for a 2-processor system.

13) Describe in detail the different services provided by OS?

14) Describe how semaphore can be used to solve readers and writers problem?

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Operating System: Explaining semaphore to solve readers and writers problem
Reference No:- TGS010371

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