
Explaining role of librarian in preservation-conservation

Answer all questions.


Differentiate between terms 'preservation' and 'conservation'. Explain the role of librarian in 'preservation' and 'conservation'.


Explain the inherent characteristics of paper and the external causes of its deterioration. 


Enumerate different types of magnetic media. Describe the measures to be undertaken for their care and handling.


Describe the human causes of deterioration of library materials and suggest how user education programmes could help in this direction.


Classify various binding types and explain binding process for different types of library material.


"Book binding is a chain of many links.” Describe. Enumerate different materials used for book repair and describe the book repair procedure.


Explain some main disasters due to natural calamities in recent years which had devastating effect on library and archival collection.


What do you understand by the term microfilming? Explain its relative advantages and disadvantages.


Briefly explain the following:                                                                   

(a) Repair of birch bark

(b) De-acidification

(c) Adhesives used for binding

(d) Salvage procedure for electronic resources

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Reference No:- TGS02425

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