
Explaining risk mitigation plans for the project


Create or revise an MVVO and strategic plan for an organization that was not the focus of any team member's individual assignments in this course. This could be a small business, church, school, or other non-profit with which a team member has a relationship. Submit a maximum three-page proposal to your faculty indicating your choice, explaining your decision criteria and rationale, describing factors that may serve to limit the scope of the project, explaining risk mitigation plans for the project, and listing a preliminary set of key project tasks that will need to be completed. Note that this is an academic rather than consulting project and the team's "client" is the professor, not the organization. This means nothing produced for this project may be shared beyond the class without the professor's approval and no promises should be made that the results will be in a form that is usable.

The proposal details are as follows;

Submit a maximum three-page proposal to your faculty indicating your choice, explaining your decision criteria and rationale, describing factors that may serve to limit the scope of the project, explaining risk mitigation plans for the project, and listing a preliminary set of key project tasks.

My contribution is listing a preliminary set of key tasks. I need your help finding and describing them. The business we will be working on an NGO named Last Chance Animal Rescue and their website is https://www.lastchanceanimalrescue.org/.

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Project Management: Explaining risk mitigation plans for the project
Reference No:- TGS01951664

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