Question 1)Define the term “Valid Contract”. Explain the essential elements of a valid contract under The Indian Contract Act.
Question 2) Write the difference between Condition and Warranty under The Sale of Goods Act.
Question 3) Who is Complainant ? Describe the provisions relating to the District Forum.
Question 4) Write note under the Information Technology Act.
1) Digital Signature
2) E-Commerce
Question 5) What are the penalties in case of dishonor of cheques for insufficiency of funds under Negotiable Instruments Act ?
Question 6) State and describe the procedure for registration of a trademarks under Trade Marks Act.
Question 7) What is Consent? When the consent is called free consent ?
Question 8) Write note on:
1) Fundamental provisions under VAT
2) Differentiate between sale and agreement to sale
3) Copyright
4) Patents