Answer the following questions in detail.
Question 1) Write a brief note on “Ergonomics: A User-Centered Framework”.
Question 2) Using a neat flow chart, explain a systematic procedure for method study.
Question 3) Briefly explain principles of motion economy.
Question 4) What do you mean by job rotation? Under what circumstances job rotation can lead to performance enhancement at workplace?
Question 5) How can you categorize different kinds of plant layouts employed in industries? Describe the important features, advantages and limitations of product type of layout.
Question 6) Describe the steps involved in time study approach.
Question 7) Write down the factors that contribute to the development of fatigue? How it can be reduced with job design?
Question 8) Explain the technological and behavioural considerations in the effective job design.
Question 9) Describe the phases involved in value engineering studies.
Question 10) Write a brief note on normal work areas.