
Explaining principle of automatic gain control

Answer the following questions in detail.

Question 1) Explain the basic principle of automatic gain control and illustrate how it is applied to tube and transistor amplifier.

Question 2) Describe how the ‘ Y’ and the colour difference signals are developed from the camera output. Why is the Y signal set = 0.3R + 0.59G + 0.11B?

Question 3) What do you mean by VSB transmission and why is it used for transmission of TV picture signals?

Question 4) Justify the choice of negative modulation in most TV systems.

Question 5) What are different components of composite video signal? Describe each with neat and clean diagram.

Question 6) Describe with the help of appropriate sketches, how video signal is developed in a vidicon Camera tube? How is vidicon different from an image orthicon?

Question 7) Describe the function of each block in detail of TV studio/Control room.

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Electrical Engineering: Explaining principle of automatic gain control
Reference No:- TGS08412

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