
Explaining primary key and foreign key-normalization

Question 1) Attempt the following :

(a) Differentiate between Floppy Disk and Hard Disk.

(b) Describe briefly the following output devices :

(i) Monitor

(ii) Dot Matrix Printer

(c) Explain briefly the major parts of Central Processing Unit.

(d) Describe Structure of HTML Program.

(e) What do you understand by Primary Key and Foreign Key? Describe with example.

Question 2) Attempt the following:

(a) Distinguish between Impact and Non-impact Printer.

(b) Function of Computer in Manufacturing and Medicine.

(c) What are the various types of Computers?

(d) What are the various services provided on Internet?

(e) What is Application Software? Describe with example.

Question 3) Attempt the following:

(a) How does Primary Storage differs from Secondary Storage in terms of Speed, Cost, Capacity.

(b) What is Normalization? Why it is essential?

(c) Write down various steps involved in Creating Website.

(d) Describe the following:

(i) Group by

(ii) Grouping functions

(e) Define the term Intranet and discuss how Intranets are used in business.

Question 4) Attempt the following:

(a) Describe briefly SQL Commands:

(i) Create Table

(ii) Update

(iii) Alter Table

(b) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.

(c) What is the use of Plotter and what are different types of Plotters ?

(d) Compare between Internet and Intranet.

(e) “The CPU is the brain of the Computer, the place where data is manipulated.” Comment.

Question 5) Attempt the following:

(a) What is World Wide Web ? Explain use of Internet in various fields.

(b) Explain structure and working of Magnetic Hard Disk.

(c) Write notes:

(i) Input Devices

(ii) Joins

(iii) DDL and DML

(iv) Printers

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Database Management System: Explaining primary key and foreign key-normalization
Reference No:- TGS05873

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