
Explaining price determination and price discrimination

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) What do you understand by buying motives? Give suitable examples.

Question 2) Describe briefly the stages involved in buying process.

Question 3) Describe the marketing concepts with its relevance in today’s marketing environment.

Question 4) What is product mix and product life cycle? Elaborate.

Question 5) Give a note on Functions and Types of distribution channels.

Question 6) What is price determination and price discrimination? Give examples.

Question 7) Describe the environmental considerations in the marketing process.

Question 8) Mention the criteria of effective market segmentation and also the elements of market segmentation with relevant examples.

Question 9) Explain the historical evolution of organization behaviour.

Question 10) Discuss the types of organization- departmentalization.

Question 11) Write a detailed note on the leadership styles.

Question 12) Discuss the personality theories in detail.

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Marketing Management: Explaining price determination and price discrimination
Reference No:- TGS04942

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