
Explaining pin configuration of ppi chip 8255

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Describe the function of ALU of 8085.

Question 2) What are the various registers in 8085? Describe their uses.

Question 3) Classify 8085 instructions in different groups.

Question 4) Write the assembly language program for subtracting two 8-bit numbers.

Question 5) Draw a diagram for memory I/O interfacing and explain.

Question 6) Describe serial Data transfer.

Question 7) Draw the pin configuration of PPI chip 8255.

Question 8) Demonstrate interface connections are to measure and control temperature employing a microprocessor-based system.

Question 9) Draw the pin configuration of 8085 and describe the function of each pin.

Question 10) Describe different addressing modes of 8085 and their classification with examples.

Question 11) Explain the different types of instructions available in 8085 by giving their format.

Question 12) List and describe the following with suitable example.

(i) Mnemonics used for arithmetic operations.

(ii) Mnemonics used for logical operations.

Question 13) Write the 8085 assembly language program to add two 8 bit numbers residing in memory and to store result in memory with suitable examples.

Question 14) Explain data transfer schemes.

Question 15) Sketch the block diagram of 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) and describe its function and different modes of programming.

Question 16) Write a program with flow chart to interface stepper motor with 8085.

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Electrical Engineering: Explaining pin configuration of ppi chip 8255
Reference No:- TGS06995

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