
Explaining personality factors of big five model

Question 1) Personality factors of “ the Big Five Model “ are :

a) Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experience
b) Visionary, conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability. Organizational.
c) Visionary, agreeableness, courteousness, emotional stability, openness to experience.
d) Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability.

Question 2) Sheena’s mother is wondering at her behaviour. She is Melancholic, Unhappy, and Gloomy, Hopelessness is reflected when she tries to talk to her.

What kind of emotion might be dominant here?

a) Anger
b) Sadness
c) Fear
d) Love

Question 3) Jaya is self-confident, ambitious and energetic person. She prefers verbal activities, to influence others and attain power. Her mother wishes that she might learn music and become musician while the father wants her to become the economist.
You are career counsellor. What congruent occupation you might suggest. What is the personality type you identify, referring to the Holland’s classifications?

a) Social – Teacher, Counsellor
b) Enterprising – Lawyer, Public Relations Specialist
c) Artistic – Painter Musician
d) Realistic – Mechanic, Farmer

Question 4) Nitin thinks that Bala. The foreman at Tuff metal works is poor performer. He regularly checks the work and closely supervise, He don’t trust competency of Bala. He has low exceptions from Bala and this has resulted to the decrease in Bala’s performance. What effect is evident here?

a) Halo effect
b) Pygmalion effect
c) Golem effect
d) Contrast effect

Question 5) Shweta gets the average salary with company; The company offers high levels of job security. She has many friends on job. What motivational needs are satisfied here?

(a) Belonging
(b) Status/self-Esteem
(c) Physiological
(d) Safety

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Reference No:- TGS04975

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