
Explaining nutritional assessment technique

Answer the following questions.

Question 1)a)  Explain function of Antioxident in Sports.

(b) Explain role of Minerals in Human Body.

(c) State RDA. Explain roll of RDA in Sportsmen.

(d) Explain Food Labels. Give significance of Food Labels.

(e) Explain Oxygen Utilization in Sports.

(f) List Fat Soluble Vitamins and give their functions.

Question 2)a) Draw and label Food Pyramid.

(b) Explain any one Nutritional Assessment Technique.

(c) List Body Types and their importance in Sports.

(d) Define Dehydration. Describe effects of Dehydration in Sportsmen.

Question 3)a) Explain Diet before, during and after Competition in an Athlete.

(b) List disorders due to deficiencies of Water Soluble Vitatmins.

(c) Explain ways and importance of Weight Managment.

Question 4)a) Write name of Organs of Digestive System and give their functions.

(b) Explain how energy is transferred to the Muscles Aerobically and Anaerobically during exercise?

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Reference No:- TGS06483

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