Question 1) Describe optical fiber CATV system. Also describe block diagram of earth station.
Question 2) Draw and describe the block diagram of earth station synchronization subsystem.
Question 3) How direct to home TV broadcasting is achieved? Describe.
Question 4) Write down the application of satellite for weather forecasting, military applications. How satellite communication helps in scientific study? Describe in detail.
Question 5)(a) Explain the applications of demand assignment multiple access techniques.
(b) Explain what you know about mobile satellite networks.
Question 6) Writte note on any two of the following:
(a) C/N and G/T ratio
(b) Laser beam acquisition, tracking and pointing.
(c) VSAT.
(d) Satellite voice services.
Question 7) Write detailed note on any two of the following:
(a) Explain the application of satellite for telephone services.
(b) Design the earth station using antenna. Describe the application of satellite for telephone service.