
Explaining memory management-deadlocks –system models

Question 1) Answer all the Questions.

i) What is operating system?

ii) What is a shell?

iii) What is PCB?

iv) Briefly describe Boot loader?

v) What is scheduler?

Question 2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using same system call interface for manipulation both file and devices?

Question 3) What are the threads? Describe all types of threads in LINUX.

Question 4) Describe the round robin algorithm with example.

Question 5) Answer all the Questions.

i) What is Mutual Exclusion?

ii) What is synchronization?

iii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of semaphore?

iv) What do you mean by memory management?

v) Explain address space in detail.

Question 6) What are the deadlocks –system models? Also classify dead states.

Question 7) Describe all the methods of recovery from deadlocks.

Question 8) What is the paging? Describe the algorithms of use in paging with example.

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Operating System: Explaining memory management-deadlocks –system models
Reference No:- TGS04340

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