
Explaining maslow theory of motivation

1)a) Is managing a science or an art ? Explain.

b) Discuss briefly process of strategic planning.

c) Objectives, Policies, Procedures, Rules, Programs and budgets may be classified as aspects of the planning process. With Examples, distinguish between these types of plans.

2)a) Discuss briefly the steps in the process of MBO ?

b) Explain various “on the job” and “off the job” training methods followed in industries.

c) Differentiate between authority and responsibility.

3)a) With a neat sketch, explain the geographical departmentation.

b) List down the various skills and characteristics to be possessed by a leader in the organizations.

c) Explain briefly the process of communication in organizations.

4)a) Explain the different internal and external training approaches to manager development in organizations.

b) Explain Maslow’s theory of motivation.

c) Explain the Managerial Grid approach to Leadership developed by Blake and Mouton.

5)a) “The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished” – W. H. Whyte. What can be done to overcome illusion?

b) Explain the Return on Investment control Differentiate between authority and responsibility. used for Overall performance control in organizations.

c) Explain the nature of management style practiced in US.

6)Write short note on the following :

a) Budget used as a tool of controlling.

b) Process of Planning.

c) Decentralization of Authority.

d) Line and staff functions.

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Humanities: Explaining maslow theory of motivation
Reference No:- TGS04464

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