
Explaining marketing management philosophies


Marketing Reflection - Explaining marketing management philosophies (for the development of marketing strategy).


Reflective writing is the evidence of reflective thinking and reflective thinking is part of the critical thinking process where people analyse, evaluate and make judgements from new information and knowledge to ultimately arrive at an informed perspective. The practice of reflective writing will be introduced in this first assessment task. In this assessment you will be asked to prepare information for a business audience about marketing management philosophies.

The Task

There are five alternative marketing management philosophies (also called marketing philosophies) under which any organisation can conduct its marketing activities, and these are; production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept, and societal marketing concept.

You have been asked to prepare a short commentary (500 to 700 words or equivalent 5 to 10 minute presentation) for a business audience explaining these marketing management philosophies in such a way that business owners, who may have never had any formal marketing education, could understand the five concepts and be able to decide which one(s) to adopt as the fundamental building block of marketing activity and strategy

Your commentary can take any form that would be acceptable to this audience (for example, a blog, an article, newsletter item, a wikki, a short video presentation or slide share presentation). In your submission you are to conclude your discussion with at least one example of how a business could now incorporate or use this information to help them develop a marketing plan.

Submission Instructions

All assessments are to be submitted using the link on the Study Desk for Marketing Reflection Assignment which you will find at the end of module 3. You can submit this task in any format you choose. If you choose to develop a video presentation then you must also upload a script and/or power point slides with notes to accompany the work. Your work will require references to support your discussion. If you are submitting a presentation, these references need to be evident in the script or presentation notes that you also attach. Make sure you use the Harvard AGPS referencing style. There is an electronic Harvard AGPS referencing guide in the USQ Library, and you can also refer to the Communications Skills Handbook.

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Marketing Management: Explaining marketing management philosophies
Reference No:- TGS03039117

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