
Explaining machiavelli ideas on state and sovereignty

Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.


1. Discuss main contents of western political thought. Explain the importance of western political thought?

2. Analyse Machiavelli’s ideas on state and the concept of sovereignty.

3. Examine nature and characteristics of Rousseau’s General Will.

4. Write the short note on political philosophy of Bentham.

5. Describe J.S. Mill’s contribution to liberalism and equal rights for women.


Write a brief note on following:


a) Plato’s theory of justice

b) Thomas Hobbes on the rights and duties of the sovereign


a) Aristotle’s theory of slavery

b) John Locke’s ideas on Resistance and Tolerance


a) Edmund Burke’s criticism of the French Revolution

b) Emanuel Kant’s political ideas on morality and peace


a) Alexis de Tocqueville’s views on the role of religion in politics

b) Hegel’s Philosophy of history


a) Hegel’s political ideas on Idealism

b) Marx’s theory of class war

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History: Explaining machiavelli ideas on state and sovereignty
Reference No:- TGS02091

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