
Explaining london theory of superconductivity

Answer the following questions.

Question 1)a) Write Maxwell equations for free space.

b) What do you understand by electromagnetic spectrum?

c) What are the significant features of BCS theory?

d) Give significant properties of X rays.

e) How does a hologram differ from photograph?

f) Give significant applications of optical fibres.

g) Give Einstein postulates of special theory of relativity.

h) Does ether exist? Explain in detail.

i) What do you mean by nano materials?

j) What do you mean by Quantum confinement?

Question 2)(a) What is modified Ampere’s law? Describe its importance in terms of Maxwell theory and obtain an expression for displacement current density.

b) Curl of a vector field represents whirling/rotational features of the field. Justify.

Question 3)(a) Explain physical mechanism behind Meissner effect.

(b) Describe London’s theory of superconductivity.

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Physics: Explaining london theory of superconductivity
Reference No:- TGS08101

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