
Explaining ip routing principles

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) In case the institution has 5000 computers in a LAN, which IP addressing scheme must be used.

Question 2) In the Datalink layer, a head and trailer both are present. Provide the reason for your answer.

Question 3) Describe the process in case a yahoo email server has to push the email to gmail server.

Question 4) Whenever the computer is switched on in the LAN, how and why does it execute ARP?

Question 5) Explain the use of DNS? In case you don’t have the access to any DNS server, is it still possible to browse certain website. Describe clearly with suitable illustrations.

Question 6) Write down the IP routing principles? How routers maintain and update route to no. of destinations?

Question 7) In case the subnet mask: is used in a LAN, how many bits are used as network address, and in host address? What are the maximum numbers of hosts which can be accommodated in such a case?

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Computer Networking: Explaining ip routing principles
Reference No:- TGS08742

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