
Explaining importance of grievance handling

Answer the following questions

Question 1) Write a brief note on Hawthorne Studies.

Question 2) Trace the growth of Trade Union Movement from Factories Act 1881 to Factories Act 1948.

Question 3) Elaborate the HR planning System.

Question 4) Explain the Multiple Person Evaluation Methods.

Question 5) Write a detailed note on different theories for Managing Compensation.

Question 6) Write down the advantages and limitations of Job Evaluation Method.

Question 7) Mention and briefly describe different sources of recruitment.

Question 8) Write a detailed note on guided and unguided interview.

Question 9) Explain the techniques to motivate employees.

Question 10) Describe in detail the disciplinary–Action Penalties.

Question 11) Describe the importance of grievance handling.

Question 12) Describe Managerial grid in detail.

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HR Management: Explaining importance of grievance handling
Reference No:- TGS04927

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