This project requires that you find a technical journal article related to the quality material we are studying. it should be professional quality itself. It should not be a marketing article, a theoretical study, nor an description of some methodology. It should be focused on an application of the quality material. It should contain some data, graphs, and possibly equations.
I need a copy to show it to my professorand approve it.The project is to read and understand the paper. You are then to write a report
(1) summarizing what the paper is about; (2)defining the author's main point and conclusion;
(3) explaining if the author justifies his conclusion; and (4)discussing the merits of the paper to the real world. You should then prepare a maximum of 10 page paper about these points.
The report should contain no more than 25% figures , charts or other direct material from the paper.
It should be in WORD format, double spaced, and no bigger than size 12 letters. There should also be a title page with your name, the class, the date, the subject. This is not one of the 10 pages.
Also, please provide a copy of the actual paper with your report so that I can also read it.