
Explaining hsv colour model and generation of b-splines

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Define computer graphics. Describe the different applications of computer graphics.

Question 2) Explain the working principles of raster scan displays.

Question 3) Describe the circle drawing algorithm.

Question 4) Describe boundary fill algorithm.

Question 5) Explain parallel projection method.

Question 6) Describe HSV colour model.

Question 7) Write a detailed note on solid model.

Question 8) Describe the generation of B-splines.

Question 9) Describe the different types of graphics file formats.

Question 10) Describe how to define windows in graphic system.

Question 11) Describe any four interactive input devices.

Question 12) Describe Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm.

Question 13) Describe 3D transformations with their matrix representations.

Question 14) Describe the different methods of Ray tracing.

Question 15) Describe the input and output handling in Windows.

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Computer Graphics: Explaining hsv colour model and generation of b-splines
Reference No:- TGS06834

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