
Explaining honey pots and ip address spoofing

1) What do you understand by Reply Attack?

2) How does PGP provide confidentiality and authentication service for e-mail and file storage applications? Draw the block diagram and explain its components.

3) Write detailed notes on S/MIME.

4) Describe the architecture of IP Security.

5)(i) Explain the SSL Specific protocol – Handshake action in detail with suitable example.

(ii) Describe Secure Electronic transaction with neat diagram.

6) (i) What do you mean by Kerberos? Describe how it provides authenticated service.

(ii) Describe the format of the X.509 certificate with diagram.

7) What do you mean by polymorphic viruses?

8) What do you mean by honey pots? Explain with suitable example.

9) Write down the four phases of virus.

10) What do you mean by IP address spoofing?

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Computer Networking: Explaining honey pots and ip address spoofing
Reference No:- TGS010559

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