
Explaining flat transaction and nested transaction

1) Explain transactions with appropriate example.

2) What do you mean by concurrency control? Describe in detail.

3) Briefly describe Nested Transactions.

4) Write detailed notes on locks with appropriate example

5) What do you mean by a deadlock? How deadlock can be recovered?

6) Describe flat Transaction and Nested Transaction.

7) Describe a distributed banking transaction.

8) Describe Two Phase commit protocol.

9) Briefly describe distributed dead locks.

10) Describe transaction recovery.

11) Write down the sequence of events under active replication.

12) Write down the state components of a replication manager contains?

13) Write detailed note on primary copy replication.

14) Explain the uses of replica manager.

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Computer Engineering: Explaining flat transaction and nested transaction
Reference No:- TGS010855

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