
Explaining every little detail of what characters are doing

Write a one page dialogue in which two characters are arguing but are speaking every thought, every iteration of subtext. Then go back and cut the dialogue so that no line is longer than five words without losing any of the meaning.

1. I'd like for you to submit both versions of your dialog. The first version (with all the subtext written out) and the second version (with only 5 words per line.)

2. Be sure to write it in dialog format. That means it should look like the plays in our text--

James: Starting with the character's name?

Carrie: And with little or no narration outside of the dialog?

3. Notice how little narration / stage direction there is in most of the sample dialogs. Your dialog should be almost entirely dialog! Try to resist the urge to get carried away explaining every little detail of what the characters are doing. And resist the urge to add modifiers like (angrily) (with great emotion) (etc.) before each line of dialog. You want to put everything into the dialog itself-- the emotion should be obvious from what the characters say!

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English: Explaining every little detail of what characters are doing
Reference No:- TGS0547852

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