
Explaining earthquake-prediction-illegal-immigration-morals

Part One: Choosing your Topic and Resources

1. Choose one of the following complex problems: Earthquake prediction, Illegal Immigration, Cigarette Smoking, Oil production in the U.S. or selecta complex problem of your own choice written in the past year from a magazine, news paper, or journal article. It can be geopolitical, social, or moral so long as it meets the criteria for a complex problem.

2. Develop 4 to 6 expressions of the argument you choose.

3. Find and list 5 recourses you will use from the Virtual Library (sources from Bing, Google, and the like ARE NOT acceptable) to complete the final portion of the project. Be sure to explain how you found these resources in 1-2 paragraphs.

Note: follow the directions under deliverable as to the set up of this section.

Part Two: Analyze and Synthesize Resources/Identity

1. Write 2 paragraphs on your analysis and synthesis process. For Details see Project packet part 2.

2. Create a table listing information found from your resources; the table should consist of the following titles...

Complex or Simple
Main Point
My Take on the problem

Note: follow the directions under deliverable as to the set up of this section.

Part Three:

1. Now that you have chosen your topic answer the following questions.

• Who is impacted by the problem?

• What is the problem?

• Where does it exist?

• When did it start?

• How big is the problem (people and/or cost)?

• Why does it exist (causes)?

Part Four:

1. Summarize three solution ideas to the problem. Each summary should be 2 -5 paragraphs each.

2. Develop criteria or a standard that can be used to evaluate your final solution. Some examples are (you may use these so long as they apply to your problem)

• The solution must respect fundamental human rights.

• The solution must not cost more than the problem.

• The solution must accomplish…

• The solution must be possible through the structure of the US Government and/or state governments.

• The solution must decrease…

Part Five:

1. In addition to the items from Parts 1-4, write a seven to ten page paper. The paper must cover these concepts…

A. A description and analysis of

• What is the problem?

• Who is impacted by the problem?

• Where is the problem?

• When did it start?

• How big is the problem (people and/or cost)?

• Why does it exist (causes)?

B. A description and analysis of prospective solutions:

• What is the range of solutions for this problem?

• What is your preferred solution?

• What criteria did you use to select this solution?

• Why is this solution preferable to others?

• What authorities agree with your analysis of the problem and preferred solution, if any?

• What authorities disagree with your analysis of the problem and preferred solution, if any?

• Does your analysis and proposed solution reflect the majority attitude of societal members, how can you prove your numbers?

Directions: You must follow these guidelines:

1. Write 7-10page complex analysis paper (Parts 1-4, Title page and Reference page are not part of the 7-10 pages which must consist of an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion)

2. You must use 5 or more resources. Five must be from the Virtual Library; however, you may add additional recourses using a valid print or web source published by universities or scholars. You may use sites ending in (.org, .gov or .edu)

3. Use MLA Documentation style and paper format.

4. You must includeparenthetical citations and quotations throughout the paper.

5. The paper must be Ariel font, double spaced, font size 12.

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English: Explaining earthquake-prediction-illegal-immigration-morals
Reference No:- TGS01437

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