
Explaining diagram of a single stage amplifier

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Answer the following questions in detail.

i) Describe why the temperature coefficient of resistance of a semiconductor is negative?

ii) What is an “Ideal Diode”? Sketch its V-I characteristics.

iii) Sketch the circuit diagram of full wave rectifier. Describe it’s working.

iv) Describe the basic concept of bipolar transistor.

v) Describe the term ‘channel’ in a JEFT.

vi) Why a transistor should be biased? Describe

vii) Describe the difference between dc load line and ac load line.

viii) Give the applications of FET.

Question 2) Describe the working of series inductor filter with the help of neat and well labelled diagram.

Question 3) Draw the circuit diagram of a single stage amplifier. Mention the functions of each component used in this circuit.

Question 4) Describe the Common emitter input characteristics of NPN transistor.

Question 5) Describe the following:

a) Operation of FET.

b) P type Semiconductor.

c) Drift and Diffusion current.

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Electrical Engineering: Explaining diagram of a single stage amplifier
Reference No:- TGS08111

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