
Explaining decision making skills and inter personnel skills

Question 1) What do you mean by personnel management and describe the different duties and responsibilities of a personnel manager.   

Question 2) Write briefly on job enlargement and job analysis.

Question 3) Narrate the significance of job analysis information.

Question 4) Describe the different kinds of interview and its principles.

Question 5)a) What do you understand by orientation development?

b) Describe the form of different executive developmental programmes?

Question 6)a) Distinguish the operative training and the job training.

Question 7)b) What do you mean by decision making skills and inter personnel skills?

Question 8) Describe the principles of employee’s benefit programme.

Question 9) Explain the different factors that affect the compensation policy.

Question 10) What do you mean by motivation theories and lay –off?

Question 11)a) Write briefly on labour union and voluntary retirement programme.

b) Describe the motivation theory and lay-off.

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HR Management: Explaining decision making skills and inter personnel skills
Reference No:- TGS07607

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