Answerthefollowing questions
Question 1) Write down the steps to insert the table?
Question 2) Write down the name of four objects of MS-access?
Question 3) What are the features of e -r model?
Question 4) What do you understand by reports in ms-access?
Question 5) Name some DDL and DML command?
Question 6) Write down various table creating method in MS Access?
Question 7) Write down the syntax for Alter command?
Question 8) What are sql statements?
Question 9) Explain the function of Auto-content wizard?
Question 10) What do you mean by RDBMS, entity?
Question 11) Write down the difference between char and varchar?
Question 12) What do you mean by database?
Question 13) What is the command for deleting all the records from the table?
Question 14) Write down the syntax for update command?